Friday, March 16, 2007


I am sick. On Wednesday morning I woke up with a sore throat, and by evening I had a fever and body aches and was coughing. I decided to post-pone any travel planning until I am healthy enough to follow through with any resultant plans. It might be awhile.

On the bright side, I am not going to go to work tomorrow to teach English to small children. I like working with kids, but it is amazing how much harder 8 five-year-olds are to control than 50 Master's Degree candidates. Also, it doesn't help that my Chinese is poo.

No more news from Israel. My dad sent me an email that very pointedly made no mention of the situation at all, and I'm just going to give up on that front. He probably doesn't know much and thus has nothing to say.

Hope you all are doing well!


Katie said...
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Katie said...

I hope you feel better soon. I remember what it's like being a classroom of eight year-olds — it was hard enough when I was healthy and energetic.

I like this new blog. It's pretty too. Take that, China.

Superquail said...

Just to make things even more interesting, I developed some kind of food allergy last night.

Last night I ordered take-out from a thai restaurant that I've been to numerous times, and I ordered the dish I always ordered. It's this really yummy ginger-cashew-chicken thing that I've really enjoyed. But after eating just a few bites, my lips got all tingly, then the back of my throat start to itch, and then my lips got swollen and turned purple. Luckily I had antihestimine on hand. It was weird.