Thursday, May 24, 2007


Today was surreal.

I didn't sleep well and woke up from a dream where I was living in Russia as part of the upper class right before the whole system crashed. I was at a picnic with all the upper crust, and a blue god came in his chariot and handed out bows. He gave a special bow to one man who was destined to kill the big-bad Russian dude.

The Big Bad's wife laughed when she saw the bow in his hands, thinking he didn't know how to use it, then he shot her husband in the eye. I watched, and was pleased, partly because I knew it would happen, and mostly because I knew he was the Good Guy.

Then we all got on a bus and the bus driver could fill the tank because there wasn't any fuel left in Russia. We were all trying to get out. I remember thinking, "Why does everyone keep pretending that there will ever be another Christmas?"

With that, I woke up.

Then Dylan and I went to print off our resumes before going for a job interview at a private high school. My Chinese tutor set up the interview, but she didn't know exactly where the school was. It turned out to be on the distant end of town, far from anything I've ever seen, and far from anything to do. Not much in the way of restaurants, shops or even bus stops. It was desolate.

The interview was brief. Clearly they are desperate. They had one full-time position that they would be willing to split into two part time jobs. The pay wouldn't be great either way.

The offered us "housing" on campus. This is a bording school. It is the affiliated high school of Beijing University for Yunnan Province. The teacher "apartments" are really just student dorm rooms, only that you don't have to share them with five other people. They were gross.

I started to get depressed.

Then, a miracle! Dylan and I were both offered jobs at YunDa today! We still have a lot of details to work through, like how much we're getting paid, if we'll get medical insurance, housing stipend, etc., and also how many hours we'll be working and what we'll be teaching - but I'm just happy I get to stay here!

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