Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Latest Sentences - Hot Off the Press!

On the one hand, you are beautiful. On the other hand, you are stupid.

On the one hand, I love my boyfriend very much. On the other hand, he is very poor. So we must say good-bye.

On the one hand, it’s wonderful to have a beautiful girlfriend. On the other hand, it will cost you too much to pay for you two in the life. So it is hard bat funny to choose.

I don’t have any boyfriends on the Internet, so I am different from thousands of girls.

He wanted to build either a gambling casino or a convent.

Neither her mother nor her father wants to bring her up.

You’re boring, aren’t you?

My uncle bored us with his laugh.

Some people bored me with their scream.

It is boring that the cup is full of ants.

Don’t make any noise to bore the sleeping baby.

Neither disk is delicious.

When he makes me so boring, I always want to beat him.

The boy always gets in to trouble to bore his mother.

The Olympic Games are funny.

The psychopath bored the doctor.


Daemon Xar said...

I personally have always found disks quite delicious . . . but maybe I just roll like that.


Superquail said...

I was wondering what on earth the student might have meant by that. I'm still wondering. Maybe he just likes plastic.

L. Volkening said...

"It is boring that the cup is full of ants."

Really? I would find that situation rather exciting.

Superquail said...

I was curious about the cup of ants as well. On my MySpace blog Sheri commented that some of the sentences make you wonder about the situation that gave rise to them.

Part of it must be translating from Chinese. The term for "boring" in Chinese is "mai you yi se" literally "does not have interest," but it is similar to "bu hao yi se" which literally translates as "not good idea" but which actually means "embarassing."

I can imagine someone finding it embarassing that they have a cup full of ants. At least, that's easier to imagine than someone finding it boring.