Sunday, May 6, 2007

More on Lijiang!

Here are my observations of Lijiang at the end of our stay:

- Naxi baba and Lijiang baba, two local varieties of fry bread, are not the same thing

- Both are good, but I think Naxi baba is better.

- Bring sunscreen; Dylan and I both got burned, though Dylan’s burn is worse.

- The Black Dragon Pool has a 60 yuan entry fee, not 20 yuan as listed in the Lonely Planet. This was too expensive for us so we wandered around outside the park; it was also clearly too expensive for other people as well because there were many people wandering around as we were. Personally, I think this is an example of tourism gone bad because now this beautiful park is inaccessible to locals, and the only people who can afford it are rich out-of-towners who will probably not return to the area again. They don’t have a stake in the park or keeping it beautiful or taking pride in it, and the people who do have that stake are kept out by the unconscionably high fee.

- There are only two things to do in the Lijiang Old Town: shop and eat.

- The food was not overwhelmingly impressive. Aside from the baba, there was nothing here that was new or different from what we eat in Kunming, only a lot more expensive. The Western food was rather uniformly disappointing, with the exception of the French toast at the Prague Café. I don’t like French toast so I didn’t try any, thus I cannot speak from personal experience, but Dylan thought it was excellent.

- The apple pie at the Prague Café was terrible

- The Well Bistro, which was listed in the Lonely Planet as having tasty desserts had no such thing. I tried the chocolate cake, which was dry, full of nuts, and not chocolaty. Dylan got the cheesecake which was also no good. It was too cheesy, if you understand my meaning.

- Overall, the food was expensive.


Shirley said...
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Shirley said...

Have you ever tried shuimen (水焖) baba? It's not fried (healthier!)...and VERY good!

Shirley said...

oh, and did you see my other comment about contact information??

Superquail said...

I haven't even heard of shuimen baba! It sounds yummy, though. Did you eat it in Kunming?

Also, I did not catch the contact information. Would you rather send it to my email address at

Daemon Xar said...

I have to say, I am almost offended that you don't like french toast.

But I will forgive you, as you sent me a wonderful birthday present (which I received, btw!)

Superquail said...

I am glad to hear that the gift made it to you safely! I was getting worried. Sorry about it being so super-late.

As for French toast, I think there are some people who are more into eggs than others. I like a good egg now and then, but for the most part I prefer carbohydrates to proteins.

Shirley said...

yay! I'll be sure to email as finals pressures become lessened a little...
I actually had it when I was in Lijiang...

Superquail said...

I'd forgotten about finals! We don't finish the semester here until the end of June, but back in the States it must be about that time of year again. Good luck to you!